Look what I found today!! I just love turning trash into treasure! I scored both of these frames for 5o cents each. Can you believe it? You can tell the size by the
comparison of them leaning up against a large trash can. I had planned to take them apart, paint the frames, and make a message board similar to the one below. However, once I got them home, I realized the boat picture is an original painting and it's really growing on me. I have incorporated some turquoise into my house and think the picture might actually work. At least I am going to give it a try before I totally destroy it.

This piece had been a black screen. I removed the screen, cleaned it up, painted it and added a chalk board and chicken wire. Clip your notes or cards on the top and leave chalk messages on the lower section. You could hang this vertically or horizontally. It would be perfect in a
child's room, kitchen, laundry room, or playroom. The possibilities are endless. I can add your custom word on the pennant. 2 in stock. $65